Boarding at Rosenthal

        where luxury meets sophistication

Rosenthal Stud is a luxurious home for equestrians and their horses. Our amenities are timeless, built upon the promise of equestrian traditions and practices passed down from Rosenthal to Rosenthal. We maintain a serene environment, from the mossy trees that line our driveway to the ivy grown arches of our outdoor arena. Our primary focus at Rosenthal Stud is you and your horse, to provide you with a safe and peaceful environment for blossoming partnerships. Our prices are high, but Rosenthal Stud is a private facility that will only accommodate those who are serious about strengthening, learning, and working together with their horses for a relationship that will last a lifetime. We accept active competitors & veterans with a reputation for quality, reliability, and honesty. Boarding at Rosenthal is a luxury, one that we uphold through quality and value. Please read the following plans carefully to see which best suits your schedule. Please be aware that all boarders must have proof of veterinary and farrier care prior to applying for board, and rent is due on the first of every month (real time).

PlanMonthly CostLocationAvailability
Pasture $325 Paddocks Only 5/5
Partial $580 Rosenthal #/10
Complete $875 Rosenfrucht #/10
Stallion $1100 Rosenthal 5/8

     Boarding Plans

Pasture (Self-Care)
Pasture board is the most economical choice for housing your horse at Rosenthal. Our property extends across 140 acres, with 5 large pastures to accommodate you and your horse's needs. Your horse will live outdoors all year round with feed, water, a run-in shelter, and the great company of other compatible horses. Blanketing in cold weather is provided without additional costs. With Self-Care, boarders are required and responsible for veterinary and farrier services & fees. Moreover, you will have limited access to our amenities, with allowance in arenas only (You will not be sent a save file, rather, arenas will be provided for you by request.) Please read our Expecations & Incentives below.

Partial (Lease)
When leasing a horse at Rosenthal, whether it's a Rosenthal horse, or a horse being housed at Rosenthal from another stable/owner, you will be paying a portion of the board in exchange for riding and caring for the horse. You are free to choose when you want to visit, but it must be during our open hours and you are required to clock in your time with our barn manager. Veterinary and farrier services are provided and paid for by Rosenthal Stud. You may also rent equipment from the office, or you may bring your own. Leased horses will be housed indoors at Rosenthal with daily turn out. Feed and supplements are provided. Please read our Expecations & Incentives below.

Complete & Stallion
Full board at Rosenthal Stud offers full access to our amenities during and after our hours of operation*. You may use our equipment without additional costs, and full groom & care is provided for your horses. With the Complete or Stallion boarding plans, your horse will be housed in one of our state of the art barns, each of which include spacious stalls, rider lounge, tack room, feed room, and courtyard. Feed is provided and supplements/herbals are optional. With Complete or Stallion, boarders are required and responsible for veterinary and farrier services & fees. Please read our Expecations & Incentives below.

Stallion care is highly specialized. We have a specific set of staff to work and care for stallions. Upon request, we are able to carry out full breeding operations for owners under the supervision and care of our trusted and beloved veterinarian, Clem Binks. Stallions with behavioral problems and bad habits will not be accepted at Rosenthal Stud (i.e. the ornery or aggressive traits).

*Please see our Reception page for barn schedule & hours of operation.

     Expectations & Incentives

Boarders are fully responsible for exercising and competing with their horse. Boarders are not required to represent Rosenthal Stud at shows, UNLESS they are apart of our riding team!; Otherwise, you may compete as an individual or for the horse's original breeder. As part of the Complete plan, boarders have full and unlimited access to any of our arenas, our boarding facility, Rosenfrucht, and many other amenities. Barn doors are closed and locked between 7am and 11pm, so plan accordingly. Boarded horses and their riders may schedule lessons with one of our trainers at an additional cost (see our Riders & Trainers page for prices). All pictures from lessons will be staged and edited for you by one of our photographers.(Boarders will have the option to download our custom Twinbrook save. All arenas, paddocks, the boarding facility, and pavilion will be included.)

Horses on loan to other members are required to represent our stable at all events in which they are entered. 50% of all earnings must be sent to us after the purse is sent to you on your Equus-Sims account. When you lease one of our horses, you may trailer it to live at your own stable, or you may lease on-site. Leasees who choose to lease on-site will have the same access rights as our boarders do (see above). Leased horses and their riders may schedule lessons with one of our trainers at an additional cost. All pictures from lessons will be staged and edited for you by one of our photographers. If you are interested in leasing off-site, please read our Sales & Leases page carefully.)

Service TypeProviderSchedule RequirementAverage Cost
Vaccines & Dental Clementine Binks min. 2x p/year $200 p/horse
Farrier Service Ricon Stamos min. 1x p/month $40-80 p/horse
Chiropractor Pending min. 1x p/month $60-125 p/horse
Masseuse Pending min. 1x p/month $55-110 p/horse

View Medical Records

General Requirements
♠ ALL horses, whether boarded or leased, MUST be seen regularly for a checkup with our veterinarian, Clem Binks, and shod by our farrier, Ricon Stamos. Veterinary checkups will be randomized and, sometimes, may include pictures, which will be recorded in our blog or on the Equus-Sims forum in our Rosenthal Review. Monthly vet checkup for leased horses will be covered by Rosenthal Stud. Boarders will be required to pay for these services and are allowed to include the costs with their board payment each month. If further medical attention is needed, the boarder will be required to pay those additional expenses. Please note, if you do not comply with this rule, your privileges will be revoked and the horse reclaimed from you.

♠ ALL horses on loan that are actively competing are required to visit our chiropractor and masseuse at least monthly. A writeup will be done about the service and posted to our blog or the Rosenthal Review, and may include pictures. The costs of these services are covered by Rosenthal Stud for leased horses. However, these services are available, and strongly recommended, by appointment for our boarders, at their own expense. Please note, if you do not comply with this rule, your privileges will be revoked and the horse reclaimed from you.

♠ Regardless of your plan, if you are boarding at Rosenthal, you will be required to provide all the necessary information for your horse to have a profile here on our site. Furthermore, you are required to have the horse registered with Equus-Sims, and the horse must have a completed profile there.

     Current Boarders & Leasees

Capriana Lorelei Evans Complete
M'Lady Gemma Temple Complete
VRH Escada Evangeline Kane Complete
Zamorana Julianna Croft Complete
Authentic Erin Ward Partial (Lease)
Moose Fanny Steel Partial (Lease)
SSE Tarot Card London Carr Partial (Lease)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012 @ 11:35 PM
© Rosenthal; Design by Christina & Eris, coding edited from Bluebonfires